A Strategy for Next-Level Church Growth


You Can Reach It





Trying to grow a church  is tough...

and there are always ministries that need some tending to.

That’s a lot— especially on top of everything that a pastor is managing. I know how easy it is to have to let some things fall to the wayside.

But just because YOU don’t have the time to tend to all of your church growth projects doesn’t mean they need to go awry.  

A Ministry consultant and coach can partner with you in solving these challenges and also support you with:

  • Effective church growth strategies
  • Step by step implementation
  • And also provide you with professional ministry coaching for ministry events that you can be proud of.

The process is simple.

Don’t waste another day stressing out about your church growth. I will partner with you and you can get ready to enjoy an expanding church engagement, spiritual development and increasing church community.

Let’s get started.

Is This Your Current Church Growth Need?

I know that keeping your church ministries and leaders going is hard enough. Adding the challenge of increasing more church community engagement can feel daunting. Not only that, how in the world are you suppose to take church growth to the next level?

I get it. Seminary does not always equip you with coaching and training skills for church growth and discipleship. My seminary did. It’s why I want to partner with you and remove undo stress and lighten your church growth duties.

How I Can Help

Like I said earlier, I have been trained and now have many years of experience in coaching, training and teaching that has resulted in church growth, increased community engagement along with equipped members that in turn expand and multiply their ministry outreach.

Imagine experiencing a thriving and growing church community with your own local church. Is it possible, yes, it is. Will your ministry stand out? Yes, it will.

-Bringing in a professional ministry coach is not just bringing in another program.

No, you are bringing in valuable training and equipping that is the only solution for forward movement to next level church growth and engagement.

Vision Casting

For many, our church campuses are beautiful and inviting. But with low attendance and limited community-building events, it does not sparkle with the bustle of fellowship and the ‘aliveness’ that many want to be a part of.

However with well attended, appealing, professional and up-to-date events, you’ll experience the joy of seeing enthusiastic participants that are taking in the training and equipping while becoming fervent about the ministries in their church and outreach to the community. This also has an infectious influence for church leadership and members that normally do not have a hand in or take part in church life.

Imagine what a beautiful sight to behold a limited church body that is transforming towards a vibrant growing and expanding church community.

Navigating Life Strategies

‘People Need the Lord,’ is a beautiful spiritual melody that we can agree with. However the Biblical model from the Old Testament to the New Testament reveals that people also need mentors, training and skill-building to navigate life and grow in their relationship with God.


Strategy Begins with Listening

‘But how do I do that?’ is one of the most common complaints heard from Christians when they are looking for practical solutions that can be applied to their everyday challenges. Frustration grows deep with spiritual generic responses of ‘just pray about it,’ and ‘dig into the Word deeper.’ This is why the self-help and personal development world has skyrocketed. It provides solutions and steps for everyday life they cannot find at church.

Stop and reflect as you respond to these questions: What do my church members really need in order to navigate life from problems to solutions? What solutions, steps or skills am I providing for them?

How-to Solution

Commendable examples of thriving, growing churches make use of workshop series as part of their year long planning and purposeful events. This is how they position and install discipleship 24/7 for their members.

This is the church growth tool they use to mentor, train and skill-build their members to grow and navigate their spiritual lives within their everyday lives and challenges.

This is where the ‘how-to’ solution takes place for individual spiritual and discipleship growth with the organic outcome of church growth.

Here is how I can help with the first steps in this process.

How Does It Work?



Let’s begin with an introductory assessment of your individual local church and ministry.

The process is simple.

Let’s schedule a Strategic Planning Zoom call and we will get to work.

Contact Dr. Maria via email: [email protected]

First 20-minute strategy planning coaching call is free of charge.



You will submit in writing the First Step of Implementation that you as the Pastor and Church Board are requesting. I will follow up with a proposal that will state the Workshop Implementation Steps and Financial Investment Costs and due dates.

You will promptly notify me of its approval, approve contracts and we will get started.



Strategically planning and installing a workshop series is a church growth tool that will add an enormous value to your church life ministry.

This investment in your church growth will be returned to you with fulfilled and happy members that are finding solutions with mentoring, training and how-to’s for navigating and growing their spiritual lives. You will also enjoy your ministry more when your church is growing and thriving and you are reaching your goal of church growth.

Professional Strategic Ministry Coaching and Workshop Packages

Professional Strategic Ministry Coaching and Workshop Packages will be determined on your specific local church setup for training, equipping, teaching and coaching.

Current estimate costs:

  • Please keep in view that Church Growth Workshops are professional level, training and coaching sessions taught by a seminary professor and professional spiritual development trainer. A professional workbook has also been designed for each workshop.

Also note the strategic framework is one of projected church growth through equipping individual workshop attendees. Descriptions for each workshop is on the Website Home Page.

The workshop spiritual growth investments noted below are for a local workshop size of 10 – 25 attendees. Prices are adjusted for larger groups.

  • Online Workshops are available at an adjusted lower cost.
  • The local church investment in the Southern California area, limited in-person Workshops:

    • Naomi Bible Study 5-Week Workshop - $600
    • Daniel Bible Study 6-Week Workshop - $700

    Vine & Branches Academy: This is the most comprehensive discipleship training, equipping and coaching available to the local church.

    It is next level seminary training that has been translated and designed for everyday people with life impacting skill-building, equipping and coaching.

    • Workshop 1: Following Jesus: 5 – Weeks. $600.00
    • Workshop 2: Growing in Jesus: 8- Weeks. Professional Training and Coaching, $3000
    • Workshop 3: Sharing Jesus: 8 –Weeks: Professional Training and Coaching, $3000
    • Workshop 4: Anchored in Jesus: 8 – Weeks: Professional Training and Coaching, $3000
    • Tip: To offset cost you may want to charge workshop students a tuition fee.
    • Price Comparison:

    Comparable seminary individual course cost is $1455.

    Professor’s remuneration for a seminary course is $4000.

Your New Church Growth Tool

Strategically planning and installing a workshop series is a church growth tool that will add an enormous value to your church life ministry.

This investment in your church growth will be returned to you with fulfilled and happy members that are finding solutions with mentoring, training and how-to’s for navigating and growing their spiritual lives. You will also enjoy your ministry more when your church is growing and thriving and you are reaching your goal of church growth.

Pastor Jeffrey Rosenthal

"I highly recommend Dr. Ovando-Gibson's Discipleship training for the local church. Her training equipped my youth and young adults to realize the privilege and necessity of growing spiritually and experiencing serving the Lord and His church. This Discipleship mindset is a must for growing church evangelism. This is 21st century church evangelism."

Dr. Cory Marshall

"After receiving training from Dr. Ovando-Gibson, 5 of my members from my church in New York City have begun to train others to study the Bible using her systematic method. This group is also engaged in teaching others how to develop Bible studies to help them share the love of Jesus with others. What this conveys is that her approach to discipleship is inspirational and results in the development of disciples who make disciples

Pastor Mark Tatum

"Dr. Maria's perspective makes walking with Jesus a real endeavor in the lives of her students. She brings fervor and commitment to her meticulously well-planned sessions. Every aspect is brought into real-world relevance and applicability."

A Strategy for Next-Level Church Growth


You Can Reach It!


Schedule Your Initial Coaching Call Today! [email protected]