Growing your

spiritual life is harder than it should be.


Did you know only 28% of Christians are actively experiencing spiritual growth? 


Hey there,

I'm Dr. Maria


I know you can beat the odds.


Go from feeling alone, distracted or feeling stuck to being supported, focused with confidence and experiencing new spiritual growth!

Change maker?

Spiritual growth skills, training and coaching.

Let's  work together. Your best spiritual growth is yet to come!






The most comprehensive spiritual development training,
mentoring and coaching for spiritual growth.
 You will experience: master-level equipping with new tools and skills.
It is time to go to the next level in your spiritual growth!
Imagine feeling 'alive',
confident and fulfilled in your Christian life and growth....
Learn More - Doors Open In September!


The six stories included in the first six exciting chapters of the Book of Daniel
put on display young men who navigated their way through a hostile spiritual environment.
Imprisoned within a pagan culture and what might seem as impossible situations.
Yet. They were able to live out their faith.
How do we navigate our everyday lives in unbelieving spiritually hostile surroundings and conditions?
Get coached with strategies that Daniel used for his spiritual flourishing.
This a professional 6-week workshop designed for everyday people.
- It is an impactful combination of seminary level Bible study,
strategic coaching and practical tools for navigating life
in difficult and hostile spiritual spaces.
This is so culturally relevant now. You don't want to miss it!
Get Notified For The Next Session!


Have you ever experienced a feeling of loss, grief or abandonment
so deep that it seemed that God's promises were for everyone else but you?
Naomi, (in The Book of Ruth) would understand.
Yet... God did not leave her after all, he provided a
Guardian Redeemer. Redemption and celebration were yet to be part of her future.
Join us as we journey through The Book of Ruth.
A story of tragedy, suspense, love, matchmaking, happy endings and celebrations!
This interactive community style Bible study is for all!
It will feature an in-depth verse by verse study of The Book of Ruth
with a beautiful companion workbook with pages
dedicated to skill building and a visual prayerful art response.
You don't want to miss it. Put a pause on social media
& journey with us as we read the work of a
brilliant story teller as he details Naomi's journey from complaint to celebration!
Get Notified For The Next Session

 First things first,

If you don't have a pathway...


You stop growing and your Christian life suffers


You guess at what might work


You wonder about  priorities, your spiritual life...consequences.


We don't want that for you.

Our step-by-step framework and workshops have provided hundreds of students a pathway to grow with skills, training and coaching.


They do the work and we hear the  stories of transformation. Stories of life changing spiritual development and becoming equipped, confident and brimming with that feeling of 'aliveness'!


Luke Skywalker's story of transformation in becoming a Jedi reveals that the characters in his story play a pivotal  part in the process of life change.


There is a character who is facing a challenge, a guide who comes along with  supportive wisdom, skills, training and mentoring, helps to navigate our hero along a pathway that leads to success and fulfillment.


Elements of the story include challenge, adventure, hard choices, skill building and lots of practice and time.


There are no short cuts.


Case in point: The first disciples spent 3 years of guidance and mentoring with Jesus.


Spiritual growth and development is a process that will take time, guidance, skill building and practice.


Scroll down and get acquainted with Vine & Branches Academy.


The most comprehensive spiritual development training, mentoring and coaching for life change to next level spiritual growth.


You now have a Pathway and Guide.


Your story of transformation is meant to continue....







Skills, Training & Coaching for Spiritual Development


Welcome, to a hands on step-by-step process that will guide you along a pathway to inspiring spiritual growth!


 Experience it all with your Guide and workshops in a community celebrating your Milestones and progress.





  • If you easily relate with identifying yourself as a Christian or Jesus-follower yet haven't connected with envisioning yourself as a disciple of Jesus,

    the first workshop, Imitation: Following Jesus with Intention in Your Everyday Life will take you back to where it all began 2,000 years ago. Exciting and Transforming. (5 weeks)



  • If your Bible study experience is not giving you the results and deep fulfillment that you are looking for, the second workshop, The Jesus I Never Knew: Discovering Christ in the Written Word will equip you with 4 master-level skills

    that will build your Bible study skills to mastery level. Working with the Gospel of Mark you will encounter Jesus, as you never have before. (8 weeks)



  • If you aren't sharing Jesus with others, our third workshop, The Jesus I Now Know: Life-to-Life Conversations will equip you with skills and hands on training. Together with a community you will catapult your spiritual confidence and growth. (8 weeks)



  • If you're having trouble understanding your spiritual growth stages, our fourth and final workshop, Anchored: Living in Christ, Working for Christ, will give you insight as you experience new insights,

    innovative training for spiritual development with stepping stones that will lead your pathway journey to a fulfilling experience of flourishing in Jesus. (8 weeks)


If you have been looking and longing for resources and training for next level spiritual growth.

You have found it!


Welcome to Vine & Branches Academy: Skills for Spiritual Development & Transformation.

Get Started!

Meet Your Guide


I've been where you are...

Searching and trying to find that 'something' that could bring that 'alive' experience to my spiritual life especially to Bible reading and my own teaching of Scripture.


"Maria is an extraordinary teacher, mentor, and friend. I decided to take one of her spiritual growth workshops and I have never been the same. Her curriculum along with her transfer of skillset is superior and I have learned skills that will serve me for the rest of my life. Through her guidance and mentorship in learning how to study the Bible, I feel more confident than ever before when opening my Bible and connecting with every verse I read. Her class is truly worth it for any individual who seeks spiritual growth and most importantly, a more intimate relationship with Jesus. Thank you Maria!"


Daniel Camero

"Dr. Maria's teaching/coaching style is nothing short of amazing, nurturing, transformative, enlightening, bold, unorthodox, brilliantly God centered, and refreshing. She equipped me by teaching me the tools to competently and confidently read, understand and relay God's Word to others. I am also learning what areas God wants me to assist with  my church and beyond."

Nakima B.

"I highly recommend Dr. Ovando-Gibson's Discipleship training for the local church. Her training equipped my youth and young adults to realize the privilege and necessity of growing spiritually and experiencing serving the Lord and His church. This Discipleship mindset is a must for growing church evangelism. This is 21st century church evangelism."

Pastor Jeff Rosenthal

"After receiving training from Dr. Ovando-Gibson, 5 of my members from my church in New York City have begun to train others to study the Bible using her systematic method. This group is also engaged in teaching others how to develop Bible studies to help them share the love of Jesus with others. What this conveys is that her approach to discipleship is inspirational and results in the development of disciples who make disciples."

Dr. Cory Marshall

"Dr. Maria's perspective makes walking with Jesus a real endeavor in the lives of her students. She brings fervor and commitment to her meticulously well-planned sessions. Every aspect is brought into real-world relevance and applicability."

Pastor Mark Tatum

Many Christians are ready and have a desire to grow in their spiritual life however,

they don't have a pathway or plan for how to do this and for most of them it's not working.

You have found it.

Imagine your spiritual growth a year from now... Equipped. Skilled. Confident.

